Preconception care can make a positive difference to your health and the health of your child. More and more evidence points to the fact that the way we were nourished and grew in our mother’s womb can have an important impact on our health as an adult. It is now popular to seek information and health care prior to trying to conceive a baby. This seeking of information can help prepare you physically and emotionally for pregnancy and parenthood.

The aim of preconception care is to prepare your body for pregnancy, birth and beyond. This preparation ideally should occur for at least four months prior to trying to fall pregnant. If this is not possible, try for at least one month’s preparation. Preconception care improves your chances of falling pregnant more easily, having a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby and aiding recovery after the birth.

Preconception Care Appointments

Please press the button below to schedule an appointment with Jane. Alternatively, you can phone 02 9890 5687 Monday to Friday between 08:00 am and 04:00 pm.

Schedule Appointment

Jane Palmer Midwifery preconception care includes:


  • Advice on healthy nutrition
  • Nutritional supplements


  • Measuring body mass index (BMI) and exploring the impact on pregnancy (optional)


  • Explore the impact of exercise on pregnancy.
  • Discuss recommendations of exercise in the preconception period (advise 150 minutes of exercise per week or 30 minutes on most days)

Taking a health history

  • Look at pregnancy history and explore implications on future pregnancies.
  • Dental health check
  • Screening for sexually transmissible infections
  • Infectious diseases screening (blood test) – measles, mumps, rubella, varicella-zoster, hepatitis B, HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and hepatitis C
  • Cervical screening

Genetic Carrier Screening

  • Offer free genetic carrier screening.

Smoking/alcohol/illicit drugs

  • Assess intake and provide appropriate advice.
  • Explore the impact of caffeine on pregnancy.

 Psychosocial implications

  • Explore previous birth experiences.
  • Screen for mental health conditions.

Exploring medical conditions

  • Looking at the impact of any medical conditions
  • Discussing the implications of medications on pregnancy (referral to pregnancy and lactation medication service)
  • Completing a referral to a specialist if required

Environmental impact on pregnancy

  • Assess work, home, and recreational environments.
  • Avoid contact with chemicals – You can use alternative green cleaning products, do not treat the house for pests, avoid passive smoking and use safety precautions at work if in contact with hazards e.g., chemicals, lead etc.
  • If you have a cat, get someone else to empty the kitty litter due to the risk of infection with toxoplasmosis.
  • Avoid overheating – particularly saunas and spas. If exercising makes sure you wear cool, comfortable clothing and drink plenty of water.


  • Avoiding stress
  • Practice relaxation

Preconception care for men

  • Guidelines for men are very similar to those provided for women. If men followed these it would go a long way to improving the health of his sperm, the chances of a healthy conception and baby.

Contraception/family planning

  • Provide contraception advice until ready for pregnancy.

Breast examination

Your midwife will teach you how to examine your breasts (optional)